Stay Tuned For Gus Macker 2025!
Otsego held its first Gus Macker 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament in August of 2015. It was such a success that every year since, we have had 300 or more teams participate. This past year was our record year, with 331 teams participating and crowds of 8,000-10,000! Clearly the Gus Macker Tournament has become quite a highlight in our community! It’s easy to see are the six main objectives that have guided development of Gus Macker 3 on 3 Tournaments across the country. It is meant to be:
1. A wholesome, family-oriented event
2. A tournament designed by players for players
3. A value to sponsors
4. An outstanding fundraising event for the local community
5. A major media sporting event
6. Entertainment for the spectators
The Gus Macker Tournament not only benefits businesses in our community, but it benefits our schools, too. We share the profits with the volunteer groups from our local schools. We could not do what we do without the many volunteers that pour in their time and effort. As for our part of the profits, TOP reinvests our portion of the proceeds to continued economic development efforts...festivals, events, grant opportunities for local businesses, and more.
If you would like more information about getting involved with Gus Macker reach out to us at togetherotsegoprospers@gmail.comÂ
1. A wholesome, family-oriented event
2. A tournament designed by players for players
3. A value to sponsors
4. An outstanding fundraising event for the local community
5. A major media sporting event
6. Entertainment for the spectators
The Gus Macker Tournament not only benefits businesses in our community, but it benefits our schools, too. We share the profits with the volunteer groups from our local schools. We could not do what we do without the many volunteers that pour in their time and effort. As for our part of the profits, TOP reinvests our portion of the proceeds to continued economic development efforts...festivals, events, grant opportunities for local businesses, and more.
If you would like more information about getting involved with Gus Macker reach out to us at togetherotsegoprospers@gmail.comÂ
Thank you to all of our
2024 Gus Macker Sponsors!